Zmeny na finančnom trhu práce: vplyv smernice 2014/65 (MiFID II) a digitalizácie.
Changes in the Financial Labour Market: December meeting

14. december 2020
On December 14th 2020, our CELSI team participated in the meeting as a part of the project Changes in the Financial Labour Market together with First-CISL, research partners ADAPT, FIOH, Wage Indicator and others. Based on the data from interviews with social partners, our colleague Lucia Kovacova presented preliminary findings of the impact of the MiFID regulation and digitalisation on working conditions, organisational changes and industrial relations in the banking sector in Slovakia and Austria.
The trade union project partners presented their current experience with the MiFID II regulation as well as the impact of the pandemic on the organisation of work and working conditions in the banks in Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Spain, Finland, France, Romania and Montenegro. The case studies of Austria, Italy, Slovakia and Finland and other project outputs will be available soon on our website. You can find more about the project HERE.